
Richard Kalvar: Anti-Photojournalist

June third marked the close of "Terriens" at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, a view of photos from Kelvar's book.

The Paris Review also ran a feature in the current issue, no.180: Spring 2007. (Not to mention some great fiction and an interview with Oulipian Harry Mathews)

Kalvar is called an anti-photojournalist because he makes photographs that capture the ironic and the absurd within contexts of banalities. No, there is no photoshop involved. Kelvar lives and works in Paris and is associated with Magnum Photos.

By the way, Magnum Festival '07 is on this month in NYC, so check the special events calendar and see what interests you. Werner Herzog aside, rumors are flying of possible Helmut Lang involvement in the festival. (!)

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